Consolidating B’Natural’s
Fruit & Fiber Proposition




ITC’s B Natural has tried to steadily establish itself in the Indian market with a unique positioning of ‘not from concentrate’ since its launch in 2016. But after a good launch, the brand stagnated, and its all-natural positioning seemed to have hit a roadblock with consumers. Research revealed that ‘fruit and fiber’ was a promising space for consumers who wanted a healthy option, keeping both the mother’s and the child’s needs in consideration.

How do we own the space of fruit
and fiber and strengthen our
unique positioning through
our communication?

The goal was to decode consumer realities in the fruit and fiber domain while understanding the broader landscape for consumers. A framework was developed to map consumer sentiments to Fruit & Fiber, and competition communication was analyzed using this framework in comparison to B Natural's proposition. Based on these insights, we developed concepts to solidify B Natural's association with Fruit & Fiber. Finally, a comprehensive communication plan, covering visual, verbal, and packaging elements, was developed as the final deliverable.

Our Methodology

  • Through secondary research, social media conversations and competition advertising.

  • Devising a Unique Fruit & Fiber Framework to decode our brand vis a vis competition.

  • Derive the communication codes that help establish the brand’s play in the Fruit & Fiber space.

The Insight

Post COVID, urban Indians have become increasingly health-conscious and particular about their daily food intake. While juices are often viewed as a healthy option, people are moving towards preparing it yourself, as opposed to buying something ready. They also believe this habit will be sustainable in the long run.

The Strategic Solve

Based on the insights, B Natural’s communication should be enhanced to align with the Fruit & Fiber framework. Verbal messaging must emphasize health, lifestyle, and practicality using phrases like 'rich source of fiber,' 'fiber goodness,' and 'lasting energy,' while instructional elements can highlight fiber content per glass. Visually, the brand should showcase raw, close-up shots of fruit textures, fit individuals, and imagery of kids self-serving, with slow juice drips to convey thickness and richness.


How do you position a disruptive mouth freshener brand for the urban millennial and Gen Z consumer?


How do you develop premiumization codes in a food category defined by speed and convenience?