Driving Growth for Freshmenu

FreshMenu has been a pioneer in the cloud kitchen industry. One of the first brands to be launched and scale-up in a relatively short period of time, Freshmenu enjoys a loyal consumer base that enjoys the chef-made gourmet cuisine that the brand offers. However, Freshmenu wanted to find opportunities for further growth. Our research revealed a new opportunity for the brand. One that spoke to an entirely new segment of consumers who were waiting to upgrade their life through their food preferences. Creating a sense of self-expression through the food one eats was a new positioning opportunity that we derived for the brand.

Consumer Insights

Our research was conducted among the young and upcoming middle-class consumer. One who was redefining his relationship with food. We assessed their patterns of ordering in vs. eating out. Finally, we saw through the missing links, motivations and, triggers that would drive online food purchase behaviour.

Strategic Recommendations

Our strategy incorporated the need to broaden the target audience and talk to the globally evolving consumer. Freshmenu offered the tastiest and choicest cuisine from across the world, to help the consumer travel up in life. 


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